Lisa Phelan

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My target 22 Hours

Done, but not over!

PHYSICAL CHALLENGE MET CONQUERED :)  Without your help I couldn't have come this far.  We have exceeded my $ goal but should never stop giving back to nature so if you haven't already but want to make a positive difference in our, and future generations lives, please consider giving a few dollars.  I cannot thank you all enough for being such considerate, caring and warm people for doing so.   The worldwide message that we all care and want to keep and improve planet earth a green, beautiful place for all inhabitant is REAL.  Donations welcome via this Challenge link until the 31st March.  THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!! 

My Achievements

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Logged Your First 60 Minutes

Shared Your Fundraising Page

Received Your First Donation

Donated to Yourself

Raised $250

Raised $500

Reached Your Fundraising Goal

Log 22 Hours (60 minutes a day) of Activity for Nature

My Updates

The 22 Days of Challenge 60 are completed. I cannot thank you enough for supporting and donating.

Monday 24th Mar
WWF are extremely appreciative of the help we are giving.  They are keeping donations to this challenge open until 21st March.  Though I have exposed this cause daily for the past 22+ days, I will not say no to trying for a few more dollars so if you or anyone you know can contribute  to what has been an enormous joint WORLD fundraising effort in the name of Regenerating Nature by 2030, please share and keep on caring.  The Planet is counting on us.  Thank you to everyone reading this.  Sincerely from the bottom of my heart, Lisa. X
PS  I took this pic on my travels today.  One of the most "beautiful birds" I admire.  Black-shouldered kite.

DAY 22 Dunnart Habitat Log Restoration Day @ Terrick Terrick N.P

Monday 24th Mar
A favourite part of the country for me, I missed visiting last year so was excited to get back and contribute to the future of the precious native species, the Fat tailed  Dunnart.  
The people in this photo donate years of their lives voluntarily contributing to the benefit of nature, it felt so right being there with such good humans/unsung heroes.

DAY 21 Walk

Monday 24th Mar
After a 5hr,30 min drive, I arrived at my magnificent accommodation on Gumbower.  A true piece of paradise.  My walk on the massive Trust for Nature property was admittedly in no way challenging.  It was mentally challenging to know it was  day 1 of the cruel Duck shooting season so many of what I saw, would sadly not exist over the coming days, but the landscape was truly magnificent.  

DAY 20 Boxing with Craig

Friday 21st Mar
Legendary local boxer and all round awesome human,  Craig Morris agreed to give me a challenge and that he did!  My t-shirt, hair and pretty much everything was drenched and sticking to me with perspiration by the end of it (and during)!  60 minutes with this guy was an absolute honor and ripper challenge to me. I could not thank him enough to meet me at 7pm (the earliest possible) to do this.  What a gent!  Almost done in this great Challenge and still seeing kind people putting in their bit by donating.  I am in awe of appreciation.  Nature deserves this. Thank you xx

DAY 19 Walk - with Superman

Thursday 20th Mar

Day 19 of the Earth Hour 60 Challenge  - Walk with my dad, a.k.a Superman!


These last days of the challenge are, for me, going to be my most physically challenging.  Let me tell you that just because he is almost 78 and I am 55, DOES NOT MEAN my dad is not way fitter, totally head strong and more bloody amazing than I could ever be!  I’m sure I slowed him down, but I did it and I don’t think I’ve ever perspired so much in my life.


Thank you to the supporters encouraging me to face an outdoor activity/challenge a day for 22 consecutive days.  I’m loving it and even more-so loving the fact we are helping nature do its thing <3>

DAY 18 Walk

Wednesday 19th Mar

DAY 18  Keeping it positive has been easy so far but today is best not rattled on about.  In a nutshell, multiple bags of rubbish collected, somewhat disheartening.  Remember the saying “Keep Australia beautiful”?  Clearly some people don’t.  HOWEVER, twas a beautiful day weather-wise <3 Hope you all had a beautiful Tuesday and that everyone encourages others to dispose of litter appropriately (thanks sign). 

Saturday night, 8.30pm  is EARTH HOUR  sign up, turn off and enjoy the world-wide movement, without doing much at all


If you’d still like to add a few dollars to the collective awesome effort in Challenge 60, click below – it’s not too late. Tax deductable over $2 and the option to remain anonymous is there if you prefer.   Thanks to all who have donated. You’re Super Earth Buddies xx

DAY 17 Walk - with Cocoa!

Tuesday 18th Mar
I often take Cocoa outside for about a 10 or 15 wander tightly in my arms to arouse her senses.  An hour was a big ask for the 22 year old as I didn't know if she would freak out with all the sounds for such a long time, not being used to it.  She was perfectly behaved and didn't even batter an eyelid when we came across a big healthy Echidna.  I love her wide eyes and wish that every human was so intrigued with the great outdoors.  Thank you all for joining me in this journey.    Pictured is a VERY relaxed Cocoa :)

Almost there!

Monday 17th Mar
Wow!  To everyone who has supported my challenge of 60 minutes of outdoor activity 22 days running, I cannot thank you enough!  Although my "goal" has been met, I encourage all who haven't yet to donate a few dollars.  There is something very self-rewarding about helping nature and you would be doing that in a big way.  In the very near future (22nd March), the official EARTH HOUR commences where everyone turns off non-essential lights around the planet.  It is a mass effort in giving a mass message that WE DO CARE.  I hope you can all join in on that. Register here.  It takes 10 seconds!
It costs nothing.  I'm looking forward to every next minute of this challenge and hope you are inspired to get out into the great outdoors and consider nature in everything you do in life.  Thank you all for being caring, considerate, pro-active friends and family.  On behalf of Mother Nature and all her critters, you really do rock xxxx

DAY 16 Bike ride - Traralgon to Glengarry, return

Monday 17th Mar
A few showers one way and constant drenching on the return.  The wildlife were enjoying the refreshing change in weather too!  Amongst others I spotted a Bush Rat  & a sweet butterfly hitched a ride on my arm for a while. Loads of birds including herons, egrets, lapwings, spotted doves, magpies, mudlarks, noisy miners, willy wagtails, yellow rumped thornbills, white cockatoos, pied currawongs, eastern rosellas, galas & a flock of at least 50 red-browed finches!...... all seen while riding along.  Huge thanks again for all you wonderful supporters X

DAY 16 Stealth paddling

Sunday 16th Mar
I wanted to go as slow as I could this time.  Wanted to be able to get up close to even the everyday critters I regularly see from the land.  Mission accomplished and I was so thrilled to do so.  Managed to take photos with camera of turtles up close on logs, Eastern Rosellas literally flying over the top of my head, Eastern Spinebills in a low tree and Reed Warbler - all of them within a couple of metres of me.  Slow is productive.  I'll have to do it again.  Got home to see I had accidentally deleted all the pics off sd card :(  Hopefully the memory holds onto these special moments as it truly was a wonderful experience. Pic attached is from my phone.  I spent most of my time in this are.  Rain ahead for Day 17, but I'll be out there in it :)  Thanks to everyone for your support.  It means so much to me. x

Day 14 Exercise sesh

Saturday 15th Mar
Since doing the challenge, I've given my hips & shoulders a break from any workouts, so it's been a while.  I decided to give it a crack and did an hour of doable but challenging exercise outdoors in the shade on a warm afternoon.  It felt special doing it surrounded by natures beauty and gentle noises and I totally appreciated the opportunity.  To step outside every day gives our minds something nothing else can give.  I hope you all can, and have a lovely day, every day in some way xx

Thank you all again for supporting me in this challenge that is giving me so much back.

DAY 13 Walking

Friday 14th Mar
Walked Leroy for an hour around the local wetlands.  This time, no smashed plate to pick up but just 1 can, a couple of cigarette butts and a take away food bag (eye-roll).  Learnt of a plant I thought was a weed but turns out it's a native - although poisonous so not to eat the berries as they  are poisonous at certain times of ripeness.  Kangaroo Apple is it's name.  Just one week left in this challenge and I'm learning something new every day.  Hope you are inspired to keep caring for planet earth too. x

DAY 12 Gardening

Thursday 13th Mar
Sharp secateurs on board this day!  Finished weeding  and cutting back that overgrown patch I couldn't do the other day!  "Sorry little ones (lizard and frog) for disturbing you, glad you had immediate shelter available though :) " Felt accomplished finally getting this done.  Thank you to all you amazing people digging into your pockets, I am in awe of your generosity xxxx 

Day 11 Walk

Wednesday 12th Mar
Half way mark of the challenge and a bit time poor again so a walk on our property it was!  Half an hour with my visiting sister <3 and half an hour with Leroy <3

Huge gratitude from myself and Mother Earth for all the generous supporters who are also going out of their way to make life here a better place for generations to come.  Thank you so much on behalf of every human, and other form of life on Earth.  xxxx

Day 10 Walking

Tuesday 11th Mar
A walk starting and finishing at Mathison Park, Churchill with the lovely Pam and Sharyn.  Nice to get together always.  

Almost half way through the "Challenge" and I've gained something mentally every day of it.

Thank you to all who have supported and or contributed financially to this wonderful cause. x

Day 9 Swimming

Monday 10th Mar
Thanks to all of your support and to Mother Nature I have broken my lifelong rules and been in cold water for 60 minutes non stop!  Not such a challenge for some but for me with my cold water almost phobia, it was a huge mental challenge and I'm so glad I did it :)  Bring on Day 10!

Day 8 Gardening

Sunday 9th Mar
Mission:  With a blunt pair of secateurs, cut back and weed garden.  Result:  Got half of what I want to get done in 60 mins.  Also managed to cut my big toe.  Go me!  Will finish this cutting back when secateurs are sharpened!

Literally, blood, sweat & tears (of joy when I saw a parent/adult Darter team interacting :) ) going into this challenge.  Thank you all for your support xx

Day 7 Walking

Saturday 8th Mar
Before going to see mum I popped in to the Crinigan Bushland Reserve for a walk (and rubbish collection).  I was pleasantly surprised at the little amount of litter - however, including an old broken fishing reel right near a NO FISHING sign????  My eye was caught by a stunning tiny little blue/green critter on the move but I got a dodgy little photo which was a challenge in itself with my failing eyes and long camera lens only.  Turns out to be a (native) Cuckoo Wasp :)  Thank you to yet another kind donation, we are now over the half way mark!  Mwah!  Your support for nature is one of the most important things you'll do in your life xx

Day 6. Gardening

Friday 7th Mar
I was time-poor so stayed home and challenged myself to weed an area of the garden notorious for Jack Jumpers (native venemous ants that bloody hurt) with minimal bites.  I only copped one. I was  pretty lucky considering how many  JJ's there are!  My reaction is usually not the nicest of language and this King Parrot above heard me and straight away looked down at me saying "calm yourself, the pain won't last too long".  Bless :)

Day 5 Walking

Thursday 6th Mar
A return  walk from Sandy Point to Mutley Cove (Glenmaggie) with gloves on and it turned out to be a disappointing bag of cigarette buts, cans & toilet rolls.  It was 36 degrees Celsius but the temperature of the water (even for me) was perfect to walk the return through the water rather than the bush where I had walked one way.   It was a calm, VERY peaceful place to be and although too hot for most critters, I was lucky to see a Jacky Dragon and a lone Egret.  Lucky to be alive when these beautiful creatures exist and are visible to us.   

Day 4 Walking the dog

Tuesday 4th Mar
A brisk walk around the Firmins Lane wetlands with Leroy on a warm afternoon. Oops left the harness at home so part of the challenge today was to simple walk the dog without breaking a shoulder ;)  Picked up some rubbish which inspired me to do so every walk from now on.  
Ever grateful to those who have donated and those who are considering to do so.  x

Day 3 Walking

Monday 3rd Mar
Thanks to these lovely ladies walking with me, we walked a 9.32km portion of the Glengarry Rail Trail on a beautiful morning. That's about the limit my hips can take these days but they made the paid well worth it, and so do all of Mother Natures creatures :) We were lucky to see 3 of my favorite birds "Black shouldered kites" in the trees and skies above us. If you would like to donate to Earth Hour Challenge 60, your kindness of even just a few dollars can make a big difference in regenerating nature. Thank you to those who have already done so. x

Just ONE of the vital reasons we ask you to help out....

Friday 28th Feb
Funds raised will support critical conservation projects that help protect our wildlife and our planet - so far Kez and I have raised enough to help plant more trees to create homes for thousands of native animals like koalas. Please help us to more.  Donating just $5 makes a difference.  Let's green up this planet we live in.

Thank you to my Sponsors



Great conviction ,as always with everything you do Lisa 👏🏻👏🏻


Mlc Taxation Services Pty Ltd

Great job Lisa!!!!


Matt Phelan

Go Tiger


Cassidy Phelan

Go mum!


Bella Mooney

Go Lisa!


Georgegina Poulos

Great job lurve!


Steve Delaney

Fight the good fight!


Lewis Hearty


Cindy Filips

Good on ya Lum!! You're a legend. Xx


Julie Wills


Louise Wyntjes


Shirley And Ray Bond



You’re ace Lisa Phelan.❤️


Sharryn Murray

Nice work Little Flea 🥰


Lisa Phelan




Leanne Sheppard


Susan Humphrys

Brilliant idea and cause Lisa!


Ruby Wyntjes


Jane Baxter

I love your commitment Lisa. x


Fred Possart


Johnny Phelan