My Activity Tracking
My target 22 Hours
Done, but not over!

PHYSICAL CHALLENGE MET CONQUERED :) Without your help I couldn't have come this far. We have exceeded my $ goal but should never stop giving back to nature so if you haven't already but want to make a positive difference in our, and future generations lives, please consider giving a few dollars. I cannot thank you all enough for being such considerate, caring and warm people for doing so. The worldwide message that we all care and want to keep and improve planet earth a green, beautiful place for all inhabitant is REAL. Donations welcome via this Challenge link until the 31st March. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!
My Achievements

Uploaded Profile Pic

Logged Your First 60 Minutes

Shared Your Fundraising Page

Received Your First Donation

Donated to Yourself

Raised $250

Raised $500

Reached Your Fundraising Goal

Log 22 Hours (60 minutes a day) of Activity for Nature
My Updates

The 22 Days of Challenge 60 are completed. I cannot thank you enough for supporting and donating.
Monday 24th Mar

DAY 22 Dunnart Habitat Log Restoration Day @ Terrick Terrick N.P
Monday 24th Mar

DAY 21 Walk
Monday 24th Mar

DAY 20 Boxing with Craig
Friday 21st Mar

DAY 19 Walk - with Superman
Thursday 20th Mar
Day 19 of the Earth Hour 60 Challenge - Walk with my dad, a.k.a Superman!
These last days of the challenge are, for me, going to be my most physically challenging. Let me tell you that just because he is almost 78 and I am 55, DOES NOT MEAN my dad is not way fitter, totally head strong and more bloody amazing than I could ever be! I’m sure I slowed him down, but I did it and I don’t think I’ve ever perspired so much in my life.
Thank you to the supporters encouraging me to face an outdoor activity/challenge a day for 22 consecutive days. I’m loving it and even more-so loving the fact we are helping nature do its thing <3>
DAY 18 Walk
Wednesday 19th Mar
DAY 18 Keeping it positive has been easy so far but today is best not rattled on about. In a nutshell, multiple bags of rubbish collected, somewhat disheartening. Remember the saying “Keep Australia beautiful”? Clearly some people don’t. HOWEVER, twas a beautiful day weather-wise <3 Hope you all had a beautiful Tuesday and that everyone encourages others to dispose of litter appropriately (thanks sign).
Saturday night, 8.30pm is EARTH HOUR sign up, turn off and enjoy the world-wide movement, without doing much at all
If you’d still like to add a few dollars to the collective awesome effort in Challenge 60, click below – it’s not too late. Tax deductable over $2 and the option to remain anonymous is there if you prefer. Thanks to all who have donated. You’re Super Earth Buddies xx
DAY 17 Walk - with Cocoa!
Tuesday 18th Mar

Almost there!
Monday 17th Mar

DAY 16 Bike ride - Traralgon to Glengarry, return
Monday 17th Mar

DAY 16 Stealth paddling
Sunday 16th Mar

Day 14 Exercise sesh
Saturday 15th Mar

DAY 13 Walking
Friday 14th Mar

DAY 12 Gardening
Thursday 13th Mar

Day 11 Walk
Wednesday 12th Mar

Day 10 Walking
Tuesday 11th Mar

Day 9 Swimming
Monday 10th Mar

Day 8 Gardening
Sunday 9th Mar

Day 7 Walking
Saturday 8th Mar

Day 6. Gardening
Friday 7th Mar

Day 5 Walking
Thursday 6th Mar

Day 4 Walking the dog
Tuesday 4th Mar

Day 3 Walking
Monday 3rd Mar

Just ONE of the vital reasons we ask you to help out....
Friday 28th Feb Funds raised will support critical conservation projects that help protect our wildlife and our planet - so far Kez and I have raised enough to help plant more trees to create homes for thousands of native animals like koalas. Please help us to more. Donating just $5 makes a difference. Let's green up this planet we live in. ShareThank you to my Sponsors


Mlc Taxation Services Pty Ltd
Great job Lisa!!!!

Matt Phelan
Go Tiger

Cassidy Phelan
Go mum!

Bella Mooney
Go Lisa!

Georgegina Poulos
Great job lurve!

Steve Delaney
Fight the good fight!

Lewis Hearty

Cindy Filips
Good on ya Lum!! You're a legend. Xx

Julie Wills

Louise Wyntjes

Shirley And Ray Bond

You’re ace Lisa Phelan.❤️

Sharryn Murray
Nice work Little Flea 🥰

Lisa Phelan


Leanne Sheppard

Susan Humphrys
Brilliant idea and cause Lisa!

Ruby Wyntjes

Jane Baxter
I love your commitment Lisa. x

Fred Possart

Great conviction ,as always with everything you do Lisa 👏🏻👏🏻